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Sunset at Judkins Insurance

About Us

(Yes, this picture was taken at our office.
We are blessed with beautiful views!)

Our Core Purpose

"To provide quality insurance products and advice in a way that honors Christ"

Our Core Values

  • Honesty & Integrity

  • Passion for Learning & Sharing Knowledge

  • Dedication to Continuous Improvement

  • Commitment to Family & Work-Life Balance

As an independent insurance agency, we help find the best value for the coverage that best fits your needs.

This means that our team is standing at-the-ready to fulfill our promise to you.

Don't just take our word for it though! Check out the reviews from our clients. 

Just Right

Large chair
Medium chair
Small chair
Choosing the option that is just right

Do you remember the Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

A large part of the fairy tale focused on a girl named Goldilocks finding the "thing"— the porridge, the chair, the bed— that was "just right" for her.

Our job as insurance agents is to help find the level of insurance protection that is "just right" for you and your needs.

If insurance were free, how much coverage would you want?

More than likely, you would want to cover everything that you own and would own in the future.

While this scenario is more of a fantasy that the Goldilocks story, it begs the question of "How much coverage do I actually NEED?"

Ideally, you should opt for as much coverage as you can afford.
No insurance policy covers absolutely everything— which isn't always helpful in a world where anything can happen.

However, the best insurance policy is the one that is in effect at the time of a loss.

Some coverage is better than no coverage.

Any safety net is better than no safety net.
Insurance is a safety net

This is why Judkins Insurance has a team of trained professionals (real people!) to help you find the best coverage within your means.

To learn more about choosing the "right amount" of insurance protection,

Contact us today
for a consultation!

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