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Homeowners Insurance
Protect your investment with our custom-tailored homeowners package.
Home. It’s more than a building.
It’s a place where memories are made, where ideas are brought to life, and where life happens.
While you can't always control what happens, you can have reassurance in knowing how your insurance will react and who will be there for you on your worst day.
Not all homeowners policies are created equal.

While many policies have similar baseline coverages, there are many subtle differences and package options that can make a big difference in the event of a claim.
Core Coverages

This is the portion of your policy that covers the actual structure (main house). The amount of coverage can be calculated on a Replacement Cost or Actual Cash Value (ACV) basis, depending on the policy type.
There is a big difference between these two coverage methods, so it's important to know which one is appropriate for you. (For more information on Replacement Cost vs. ACV contact us)

This covers any structure on your property that is not permanently attached to your house (such as fencing, driveways, sidewalks) and detached buildings (such as sheds and garages).
Usually this coverage is 10% of whatever your Dwelling limit is, but it can be increased if you need more coverage. Like the Dwelling, it can be calculated on a Replacement Cost or ACV basis.

This covers all of your personal belongings like clothing, furniture, electronics, and appliances. Like the Dwelling, it can be calculated on a Replacement cost or ACV basis, but might not be the same as the basis used for the dwelling.
This is often overlooked and incorrectly assumed to be Replacement Cost, so it's an important detail to check in your specific policy.

This covers your living expenses if you need to live somewhere else temporarily because your primary home is uninhabitable due to a loss.
Think about it: If your home were to be damaged in a fire, for instance, you'd have to pay to stay in a hotel (or somewhere) until it was fixed or rebuilt. But you can't cook very easily in most hotel rooms, so you'd either have to go out to eat or live off of microwavable mac and cheese - yum! These expenses can add up in a hurry, making loss of use coverage invaluable!

This covers medical expenses for guests if they are injured on your property. It does not cover health care costs for you or other members of your household.
This coverage is very easy to access and exists to help avoid a larger liability situation (x-rays and ER visits are typically less expensive than a lawsuit).

Personal Liability Coverage applies if someone is injured or their property is damaged and you are to blame. This coverage generally applies anywhere in the world. Your personal liability coverage should be high enough to protect your assets, such as personal property, savings, and future wages, if you are sued.
In some situations, an Umbrella policy may be necessary to provide extra coverage. (For more information on Umbrella policies, contact us)
Optional Coverages
Many of these optional coverages are not automatically included in a homeowners policy— but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have them!
Knowing what is and isn't covered in your homeowners policy can save a lot of money and heartache in the future.
We want to help you choose the best options for your needs and make sure that you can sleep well at night knowing you have the protection you deserve!

This is coverage for “overflows” of water from sewers (like out of toilet bowls) and “backups” from drains (like floor drains and sinks).

This is coverage for water damage resulting from ground-source water that is not related to a home system (toilet, sewage line, etc.) backup situation. If water falls out of the sky, hits the ground, and then comes into your home, it is a flood.
Some companies offer limited flood coverage for properties not in a high risk flood zone, but most homeowners policies do not have flood coverage. Flood coverage is typically written as a separate policy.
For more information on Flood Coverage, contact us.

This is coverage for electrical/mechanical breakdown on home systems such as electrical panels, heating/air conditioning systems, kitchen/laundry appliances, etc.
This is for a sudden, accidental, and unexpected breakdown- not a breakdown from not keeping up with routine maintenance.
This coverage and availability varies greatly from company to company, so check with your insurance provider or call us for specific details.

Service Lines coverage includes repairs to underground
pipes and wiring (such as water, power, phone, and internet) that are located on the same property as the home.

This coverage provides reimbursement up to a set dollar amount (such as $15,000) for expenses resulting from identity theft.
Depending on the specific insurance carrier, it may also provide management services to help recover your identity.

This is protection for lawsuits resulting from allegations of libel, slander, false arrest, or invasion of privacy.

Most homeowners policies have sub-limits that only pay up to a certain amount to replace a specific item (such as a $1500 limit for jewelry).
There are some situations where you might want special coverage for valuables, or collectibles like jewelry, guns, collectibles, rugs, etc. that are worth more than the policy sub-limit.
In this case, these valuables can be listed separately at their correct value on the policy.

Decreasing Deductible coverage lowers your deductible each year that you don't have a claim.
Loss Forgiveness coverage can forgive minor losses every 3-5 years.
The details of these coverages vary greatly from company to company. For more information, contact us.

Roof and Siding Matching coverage guarantees that if matching materials are not available, undamaged portions of roof/siding will be replaced in addition to the damaged portion to ensure an exact match.
These coverages may exist together or separately, depending on the insurance provider.
Many more optional coverages are available.
For more information, contact us.
Your home is one of the biggest investments
you'll ever make.
Make sure it's properly protected!
Contact us today
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